Confession and a New Direction

Whoever came up with the saying ‘have your cake and eat it too’ is a filthy liar.

There are some big changes coming to my blog, and you may have noticed that I’ve already gone for a different style. I’m optimistic that they are good changes, but I wanted to take this week’s post to explain why I’m moving in a new direction.

I’ve been doing a lot of deep thinking over the past few months, and I’ve come to some difficult realisations about this blog and my own wellbeing. This blog was and still is a hobby that I picked up in an attempt to find happiness and frankly keep busy while I deal with depression and the horrendous job market post-doctorate. Over a year on, I’ve baked some fantastic treats and I’ve grown my audience, I’ve joined the treacherous (though highly addictive) world of Instagram, and I’ve taught myself about webpage design and food photography. But, I’m still depressed and more importantly, by doing what I love — and eating what I love — I’ve made myself more unhappy by gaining weight and letting a balanced lifestyle slide.

I’ve been on both ends of the health spectrum, from the precipice of morbid obesity, to starvation and excessive excercise. In both instances, I’ve been widely unhappy. I’m not saying that I’m ‘fat’, but I am unhappy with my lifestyle choices so there needs to be a change. Lucy and I are desperate to live happy, healthy lifestyles that are balanced with indulging in the occasional treat. I can’t realise that balance when I’m baking every week and it’s only the two of us eating it. I’m also not the type of person to throw baking out because it’s meant to be enjoyed, not just photographed and tossed away.

I contemplated ending this blog, but the writing, creative process, and community elements are enjoyable. I also considered moving to a purely lifestyle and beauty, or fitness and health blog, but that meant leaving behind my passion for baking. It also meant forgoing spending time on Pinterest, Instagram, and other people’s blogs looking for inspiration, and getting excited about testing recipes. After all, that was the original purpose of this blog, testing Pinterest recipes without ‘life updates’ getting in the way. Sometimes though, the plan needs to change and that isn’t always a bad thing.

Long story short, I’m not going anywhere but you’ll see different content and changes coming soon. I’m still going to bake, but it will be for me to enjoy on special occasions and not a chore, nor a weekly indulgence that is counter-productive to my lifestyle goals. I’m going to let you into my life a bit more and show you meal ideas, weekend pastimes, test out fitness and health routines, and heck maybe even post on beauty and fashion. The sky’s the limit!

If you’re here just for the baking, thanks for reading and be reassured that I’ll still post about my adventures in the kitchen. But, if you’re like me and you like to take a peek into other people’s lives then get ready! I’m still in the pursuit of happiness, but in the end, life’s about balance, right?

Thanks for the support!



3 thoughts on “Confession and a New Direction

  1. The Occasional Writer says:

    Love it! I was just sitting here over the Easter thinking of tailoring my blog back to what my tensions were and not just about food. I understand you so well about the reasons why you started blogging and can relate on so many levels. I am excited to see what you have in store for us!

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